
Temptation is such a powerful force. It can make/break a person. maybe thats exaggerating but if you think about it in a wider perspective, you can see the picture. The most classic example would be someone succumbing to the temptation of another guy. Especially an attached guy who is tempted by the lust of another guy's body, he can either choose to be strong and exert some self control or either that succumb to temptation, have hot sex, enjoy a thrilling ride but guilt might just come in later.
I was tempted twice tonight. This guy whom i have not met up with wanted to ask me out to club. He was not bad looking. He kinda like asian guys. He was pretty decent. It was so tempting. I was thinking to myself: it could be a magical night where 2 guys fall in love. He might be the one whom i have been searching for. But what my friend said makes sense: if we are fated to meet, we will eventually meet. So i decided to choose the boring option, stay home and complete my assignment. Halfway through my assignment, i got a text. it was from mr 600ml coke bottle. He asked if i wanted to come over. I was too lazy to travel so i told him it was too late. He called me back and sounded drunk and horny. And i told him we will meet another time. I am quite proud of myself really. I must do this more often, not succumbing to temptations!
Have u been tempted this weekend? =)
Cock Size
Okay this is gona be a light post i promise. Not long ago, i met this guy who described his cock as a "600ml coke bottle". That made me think.. i remembered meeting someone who had a cock as long as a can of coke.. but a 600ml coke bottle is much much longer. Of course i had the honour to check out how long it is. But does cock size really matter much to you?
Some guys are into huge hung cocks. Does a huge hung cock represent a more manly and hot male? Im sure some think so. I havent heard of any who are into small cocks though. Well most will say its a preference. Some guys like men with big arms, some guys like bois with cute tight small butts. It simply turns them on. And most porn flicks depict guys with big thick cocks, so i guess people start to stereotype big cocks as the "ideal perfect" gay thing to have.
My cock is really just average. But im really satisfied. Though sometimes i wish it could be alil bigger. It just makes me feel manlier. lol. And i certainly have no preference for cock size. But it certainly cant be too small. I think the most important thing when it comes to sex is still chemistry. If you can have chemistry with the right guy, sex would be great no matter how big his cock is. My most satisfying experiences are with average-sized cocks. I must admit sometimes its scary to see really big cocks. Whatever it is, im not a huge cock person. Heres a picture of a thick big cock which many guys love. Ouch i wonder how someone can sit on it!

I prefer a sexy back and a sexier ass! HOT!
Have a great holiday on Wednesday guys!
Ps: thanks Not so single guy for ur encouraging comments! Cheers =)
Its a small world after all
I never thought anyone would actually read my blog much. But apparently the guy whom i was talking about 2 posts earlier actually sent a text to me saying that i had accidentally put his email there. i was really surprised but i found out that i did and i apologised to him.
And i found out that the guy deleted one of his online profiles too which really made me ponder what went wrong. and that guys no longer interested to meet me anymore. Did i do anything wrong? Well i think i did, because i didnt proof read my entry before publishing it. But then there was really no big deal about the whole conversation i posted, right?
sigh i hope i didnt make another enemy. Im sure he'll go around telling people how bitchy or what a big mouth i have. The thought of shutting down/starting a new blog has crossed my mind, but i dont think im going to do it. I finally realised, the blogosphere or the whole internet world is just too small.
Ive been feeling pretty shit this week. And then this happened. Ive been ranting on and on about my singlehood to friends, about me feeling ugly, about how insecure and how inferior i feel towards other guys. Sigh.
So sometimes secrets are best kept to yourself, if u write anything on the internet, its totally unsafe!
Pumped in the gym

As usual i finished my workout and went to the locker room to change out. as i was changing, this 30 plus looking guy, who seemed alil gay, has a generally nice body, abs and all, walked past me wearing only his undies and holding on to a towel and heading to the showers. He glanced at me once and he just walked past. My gaydar was not working at all.
I decided to test him out. I went to the showers as well and showered opposite him. Such a teaser i am. Anyway i realised he left half his door open so i did the same. and i started showering. Initially he didnt look at me at all. So i was thinking, "must be non-gay". But then i realised he started getting hard and i started getting hard too and we were looking at each other and stroking ourselves. It was quite a funny sight but hot as well.
Suddenly, he came over, closed the door and started feeling me all over. By the way, the gym door was translucent but the gym was pretty empty at that time and there was no one else showering so it wasnt that scary. We started licking each others nipples and sucking each others cock. Halfway, i asked him, "are u gay?" he said, "kinda". Lol. He kept touching my ass and telling me how nice it was and then he asked whether he could fuck me. So he took out this condom packet from his shower pouch and he ripped it off while i applied some soap in my ass (well obviously soap is the best lubricant). And then he bent me down with my face and head touching the wall and inserted his long dick in. It was fucking painful. I never liked fucking in the showers. But it was HOT. He was busy pumping me while hot water was trickling down both of our bodies.
He came within minutes and he jerked me off too. It was fun, tiring, hot and thrilling.
from then on, everytime i walk pass the gym shower, i'll always think of that HOT pumping action! Thats enuf hotness for tonight!
Idiotic conversation
I had a really idiotic conversation with this guy whom i think is full of himself.
he says:
most of the aussies that like asians in melbourne like sweet
six pack
I says:
he says:
its the quality they look for i guess
i says:
but why must i fit into their stereotype
i says:
when i can be myself
he says:
of course you can
i says:
so i guess ur date must be like that too
he says:
nah i don't fit into the stereo tye either
he says:
my date is 6ft1, very muscular, not sweet
I says:
LOL really?
he says:
and he is a top
what the fuck am i doing
i says:
i like muscular guys though
he says:
he says:
plus there are only two god looking rice queens in melbourne anyway
i says:
as long as u guys love each other, its good
i says:
and they are???????????????? LOL
he says:
the other one is XXX which i am sure you know
I says:
and u are one of them?
he says:
of course
i says:
erm how can u say that u are hot
i says:
hot guys wont say they are hot
he says:
lol they would if they are joking around with you
i says:
so would i be one of the hottest potato queens too
he says:
lol i have not met you
he says:
in this pic, no
i says:
LOL really?
i says:
im offended
he says:
sorry i am honest
please don't ask questions which you don't want to hear answers too
but come on what is cute and sexy about that pic
you look like your about to chuck up
i says:
well sexy pics dont need to be sterotypically sexy
like your pic... you can say its sexy in a way too
some people like the way i stick out my tongue, which they think is sexy
he says:
i says:
awww if u know xxx that means i cant sleep with u anymore
he says:
oh how come?
i says:
cos maybe u will tell him i slept with u
he says:
omg you didn't listen to me then, i dont kiss and tell
he says:
we don't talk about GAMS anyway
i says:
but seriously sex is just one thing.. i wish i could experience a r/s soon... i know i might sound cHeesy but thats how i feel
he says:
yeah i understand, its not cheesy
i says:
thanks for understanding
i says:
if we end up having sex i still hope we can be friends
he says:
i don't think so
i says:
he says:
too honest?
if i get into a relationship i can't have all these gam friends that i used to sleep with
how do you think my bf would feel
i says:
yeh makes sense
he says:
how would you feel if you caucasian bf still did that
he says:
i wouldn't want that either
as you say
sex is sex
lets not over complicate things
i says:
he says:
that being said if you don't want to then that is fine as well
i says:
but its not like im desperate for sex u know what i mean
i can get it whenever i want
but thing is, friends and maybe dates or lovers are hard to find
geez im getting really crappy here
but at the end of the day i guess someone cant have the best of both worlds
he says:
i hope they can
i hope i can
i hope you can
i says:
no we cant
he says:
of course we can
i says:
yeh but then u will eventually lose both
he says:
we can have great sex in a relationship?
i says:
yeh we can
but im talking about sex and finding a bf/dating
he says:
should not try cause you may never get it
i says:
what do u mean?
Is he idiotic or am i plain dumb and naive?
Start of a new week

I partied hard during the Easter Wkend. And now, its the start of a new week again. Im feeling really lethargic and kinda in a depressing mood. I dont know why either. I think its the whole "BOYFRIEND" thing again which is bothering me.
I know there are guys who are interested in me. But some of them are not my type and i dont wana lead them on. others are far away overseas. Its hard to find a boyfriend in Aus really. some of my friends have no problems finding at all. Whereas i cant seem to find someone. Even guys i sleep with, they often ask me why am i single? I really dont know how to answer them really.
Do guys not like me because of my race? I really dont know. I went for a big party during the Easter weekend and all the other asian guys were giving me looks. My friend said, "they think im a threat to them just cause i might snatch other potential aussies away". And they are totally unfriendly to me. Its kinda dumb i think. I am totally harmless and friendly!
Why is it so hard to find love? Im trying my best not to make an effort to find love but rather wait for love to come to me. Some of my friends think this is the best way. Others think i should be more enthusiastic. So i went online to some gay websites. But isnt SEX all people are looking for there? Im still hoping for the "cinderella like story" to happen to me. Like, when i go to the gym/supermarket, i bump into this guy, we like each other at 1st sight, can communicate well, do sweet stuff together, get together and have great sex and think of each other all night. I know its not going to happen like this.
Sorry for whining and whining about love and boyfriends and stuff. but i guess its those times when i am feeling lonely again... BUT weird thing is im having GREAT sex.
I guess theres a trade off.. like when u have great sex u cant have a bf? LOL
Is there a website where single gay guys can find their potential lover and doesnt involve sex?