
Have you ever faced rejection? Rejection from a guy you approach. Rejection letter from a company. Rejection from entering a club because you are wearing thongs. Rejection from a guy u like. Im sure everyone faces rejection from time to time. And im sure rejection sucks.
Well i went out with this guy for dinner tonight. everything was going quite fine im sure. I didnt have the intention of having sex with him or whatever. So after dinner, we went on our separate ways. I texted him and said it was nice to meet up and asked whether he wanted to meet up again. He said he was cool with being friends and not interested in anything more than friends.
I felt kinda sucky after that. And i kept analyzing what was wrong? was it my look, was it how i behaved? But i realised, it wasnt my loss at all. It wasnt my fault at all. Everyone has their own "types" or "preferences" and i should understand that because i reject some guys too. But the feeling of being rejected truly sucks. But i'll be over it. Its his loss! LOL =)
Rejection doesn't mean a thing afterall. it's his loss, nothing to do with you at all.
You will have 100 dates, in which you will expect at least 50 rejections. never allow the rejections to shy you away.Put yourself out there, i am sure the on will turn up soon!
Amen Bro! do not take it personally. It's not's them. You are HOT!
Buns... What a great outlook to have... Thats awesome... and yes... You are HOT...
Rejection bits the big one... Thanks for the post!
This link to another Blogger account, in the U.S., is a real mind blower.
A very F'ed up condominium building that possibly needs good sex to help
Enjoy !
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