Bend me Beckham

David Beckham is in Australia right now. As i was watching his interview on television, i was having an argument with a friend on MSN at the same time. He thinks that Becks is a moron and hes not as good looking as matt damon or brad pitt and hes common and dumb bla bla. I argued that Becks is indeed sexy. I dont exactly adore/worship him to a great extent, but i do think hes a fashion icon. His tatts his sexiness his hair everything.
Its nice watching him play soccer too. If i was Posh, i would love to have sex with him every hour. It would be nice with him on top of me, as i watch him make love to me and get so turned on by his hot tatts. He will always be a fantasy.
Do u think Beckham is hot? Would u do/be done by him? =)
Ps: his sexy brit accent turns me on!

Have you ever faced rejection? Rejection from a guy you approach. Rejection letter from a company. Rejection from entering a club because you are wearing thongs. Rejection from a guy u like. Im sure everyone faces rejection from time to time. And im sure rejection sucks.
Well i went out with this guy for dinner tonight. everything was going quite fine im sure. I didnt have the intention of having sex with him or whatever. So after dinner, we went on our separate ways. I texted him and said it was nice to meet up and asked whether he wanted to meet up again. He said he was cool with being friends and not interested in anything more than friends.
I felt kinda sucky after that. And i kept analyzing what was wrong? was it my look, was it how i behaved? But i realised, it wasnt my loss at all. It wasnt my fault at all. Everyone has their own "types" or "preferences" and i should understand that because i reject some guys too. But the feeling of being rejected truly sucks. But i'll be over it. Its his loss! LOL =)