
Why do people moan? From what i know, when humans experience a certain pleasure, they moan. For me, i moan when a guy licks my nipples or when a guy fucks me and i really feel good.
Moaning should be a thing which comes naturally and i actually witnessed someone faking it when i saw a guy giving him a blowjob. Well i was at this underwear party and i saw someone giving this fat ugly asian guy a blowjob. So i just stood there and watched them. The asian guy was funny. He was moaning and then halfway, he stopped and looked at me with those, "hey someones blowing me arent u jealous" eyes and continued going back to his half closed eyes look and continued moaning. I was disgusted. I wonder have i ever pretended to moan when im not even enjoying myself with the other guy? I cant remember but to be honest, a guys moan does turn me on alot. It shows that he really likes what im doing and he wants it more etc.
Ive been having too much sex lately i reckon. Last Wednesday i had sex with a really hot guy who looks like Wentworth Miller from Prison Break. On Tuesday i had hot sex too. and then today, i had hot sex too. I mean the guys i met were pretty hot/cute to be honest. And i dont know why the guys ive been having sex with are getting younger. I used to prefer sex with older men (30s) but then now ive been shifting to having sex with guys in their 20s. Which is really weird i feel. I must abstain from having too much sex really. But sometimes i just cant help it.
Do you think sex is over-rated? I think it is but gay guys just cant stop having sex can they? sex is EVERYWHERE. you go to the gym you cant stop looking/guys cant stop looking at you. you go to the clubs, you see lotsa hunks and twinks and you start feeling horny again. And then maybe when the pizza man comes by and hes a hottie, you realise you start fantasizing again. and once you on your computer, some hot guy might just tempt you to have sex with him again.
When will we ever stop having sex? lol.
Bend me Beckham

David Beckham is in Australia right now. As i was watching his interview on television, i was having an argument with a friend on MSN at the same time. He thinks that Becks is a moron and hes not as good looking as matt damon or brad pitt and hes common and dumb bla bla. I argued that Becks is indeed sexy. I dont exactly adore/worship him to a great extent, but i do think hes a fashion icon. His tatts his sexiness his hair everything.
Its nice watching him play soccer too. If i was Posh, i would love to have sex with him every hour. It would be nice with him on top of me, as i watch him make love to me and get so turned on by his hot tatts. He will always be a fantasy.
Do u think Beckham is hot? Would u do/be done by him? =)
Ps: his sexy brit accent turns me on!

Have you ever faced rejection? Rejection from a guy you approach. Rejection letter from a company. Rejection from entering a club because you are wearing thongs. Rejection from a guy u like. Im sure everyone faces rejection from time to time. And im sure rejection sucks.
Well i went out with this guy for dinner tonight. everything was going quite fine im sure. I didnt have the intention of having sex with him or whatever. So after dinner, we went on our separate ways. I texted him and said it was nice to meet up and asked whether he wanted to meet up again. He said he was cool with being friends and not interested in anything more than friends.
I felt kinda sucky after that. And i kept analyzing what was wrong? was it my look, was it how i behaved? But i realised, it wasnt my loss at all. It wasnt my fault at all. Everyone has their own "types" or "preferences" and i should understand that because i reject some guys too. But the feeling of being rejected truly sucks. But i'll be over it. Its his loss! LOL =)
My life

Firstly, i want to apologise to those who have been reading my blog. Sorry i havent been consistent in updating it. So many things have been happening around me. Parties, people, assignments, friends bla bla. I havent met any wonderful guys at all though. Its either the occasional fuck or just guys whom i hang with. But ive been quite down lately. Going to the gym makes me feel inferior. Going to the clubs and seeing happy gay couples makes me envious. Some of my friends think im trying too hard to look for "the one". Am i? Maybe im thinking too much. Someone even commented i have OCD, which i dont think is very true.
Somehow ive lost the cheerful and happy me. I cant seem to find it in myself anymore. 75% of the time, im pretty much upset/depressed. My friend told me i might have to see a psychologist. Hmmm i dont think its that serious. But if u have been reading my blog, you do realise that i dont blog much about sex anymore. I dont know why either. I used to find so much enjoyment in writing them, these days i dont, something must be wrong.
This morning i was talking to him. Hes a guy whom i met thru the net like, 5-6 months ago and we have been emailing/chatting online alot. Hes from the US unfortunately and hes bisexual and not out. But i really do feel this connection when i talk to him. You might think that this is totally unrealistic. I sometimes do think so too. But there seems to be this special connection we have that makes us want to talk to each other more and making efforts to talk despite the terrible time difference. He had been there always when im down and when i need someone to talk to. I admit i do like him alot. Recently, we have been talking about the future. I do know that there is no potential future between us but i do really want to go to the US soon to visit him. I dont want us to be an "internet" thing. He really liked the idea, but hes scared at the same time. Meeting me and everything is a totally new change from his life and hes scared he might not be able to step back. Of course i was disappointed and upset. Not that ive been waiting for him all these while. I still do meet guys from time to time but mostly i dont get emotionally involved. Somehow its different with him. I do want to be emotionally involved with him.
You might think im absurd and weird. but this is how i feel towards him really. Im quite serious about going to visit him but he doesnt know how it might impact on his life. Maybe i shouldnt have fallen for him because hes not out and he is bisexual. Somehow, i wish i could let him go so i could continue on with my life and not feel upset or hurt if something happens along the way. Right now, i just feel disappointed and kinda upset. But i do understand where he is coming from. I asked him to treat me like a normal friend if we do meet up but he said its impossible because he has feelings for me. I dont really know what to do. I cant possibly just let things go with natures flow. Because if thats the case, nothing will happen. I wont ever meet him. Somehow i have this mentality of living for the moment. WHo knows what might happen today, tomorrow or the next? I just want to treasure every moment and make the best use out of it. Thats why if i really want to do something/meet somebody, i'll just go ahead an do it. Is that too rash?
I wish the world is one continent so that the distance between us wont be that far. I wish i could be with someone i truly love/he truly loves me. I wish better things could happen to me and my life. I wish i had a shoulder to lean on now and cry all i want. im so weak =X

Have u ever met a guy who told u hes bisexual? And he has a girl friend? Or maybe someone whos married? Or even worse someone whos married with kids? Im totally cool with bisexuals.
I dont think ive had much action with many bisexuals. Well, some might not even tell u they are.
Well the first bisexual ive had some "fun" with, he was alright. He lived near me and whenever i needed a quick fuck, i'll just see whether hes around. He doesnt give head or do anything but play with my nipples (i think hes imagining its a girls tits). so i do all the job. And he doesnt fuck well too. Maybe the girls he had fucked before faked their orgasms and told him how good he was, when hes actually not that great. hes just a 6/10 fuck i would say. Well i dont see him online these days. Maybe he actually has a girl friend now, who knows.
The 2nd bisexual i met was in uni. i found him through this website, where they list down all the beats and cruising places around your area. i dont know whether its appropriate to mention it here but anyways, i added him and we chatted online and it turns out hes also in the same uni. Oh well and one day, we decided to meet at the school toilet (which happens to be a beat i dont know why), it was pretty interesting. He told me to go to the first cubicle or something, and he would be in the second. And then he told me the colour of his pants and shoes he would be wearing. So i was in the cubicle waiting for him and then he came into the next cubicle. and then i bent down to see what he was up to. He unzipped his pants and i think he was just jerking off. So i did the same thing. His hands suddenly came under the cubicle beckoning me to do something. I wasnt sure what to do but i bent down to see what he was doing. He lowered his body against the cubicle wall and then put his cock under the cubicle wall.
So i put mine over as well and we started playing. The toilet was pretty quiet. I decided to come out of the toilet and go over to his cubicle. He opened his cubicle door and there he was. He looked fine, blondish young aussie. Anyway we started sucking each other off and he had quite a nice cock i must say. Although he panicked at times when he heard footsteps coming towards the toilet. So we had this conversation about what he did in the toilets most of the time. He said wanking and sucking. He hasnt fucked a guy inside the cubicles before. So i kinda bent over and teased him with my ass. And he kept teasing my ass too. i asked if he wanted to fuck me and he said yeh. So i took out the packet of condom and lube from my bag (i always have one or 2 in my bag just in case) and he tore open the packet, put on the condom and lube and started putting his cock in my ass. It felt painful at 1st. The pain was so sharp i nearly screamed. Probably cos i was too tight. Well as i got used to his cock, he began banging my ass nice and hard. It felt really good. And then i told him to cum soon, so he fucked me harder and came. It was really great. The thrill of fucking in the cubicles when u know u might get caught. Oh well. I met him 2-3 days later in the cubicles and we just sucked each other although he let me fingered his ass. He wanted me to fuck him but there wasnt enough time for it.
So there u go, another bi guy experience. He told me his girlfriend knows hes bi, but doesnt know about his other actions. So i told him to be safe and responsible because he has a girlfriend and he fucks with other guys too. And i asked him whether he liked guys emotionally or just like fucking guys? As usual, like most of the bisexuals ive met say, ultimately they still like girls but they dont mind guy & guy action.
Have you had any bisexual experiences? were they hot, awkward or just weird?
I must be the most lazy blogger ever, but i promise to put in more effort to write some exciting stuff thats been happening in my life!
Fuck Buddies

Im sure every gay guy out there has their own fuck buddy/fuck buddies. Well how do you define a fuck buddy? Someone whom you call when you feel horny and whenever he feels horny he calls you as well and you guys just fuck? So fuck buddies dont do dinner and maybe even update on each others lives? They just do what they are supposed to do: Fuck? Well i suppose so.
Well i was very horny last night and i decided to call my "fuck buddy". Im not sure whether i should acknowledge him as a "friend" or "fuck buddy". Well we met in the club, had a great chat, liked how each other looked, came back for a fuck and then another one and another one. So i counted, yesterday was the 5th time we had fun. I simply texted him, "are u out now?" He replied he was out clubbing but it was boring and asked if i needed company. So i said yes and he came over. It was pretty late and when we started making out, i was already a quarter asleep. Thing is, he is the slow and passionate kind and he aims to please his partner more than himself.
Halfway through, i wished things would speed up.
And then once we started fucking, everything was great again. It went on and on and on and on. It was one of the amazing sex sessions ive had. And hes the sort of guy who loves to hug and sleep after sex. So everything was perfect. And then his alarm went off and he had to go. We kissed goodbye and i had a really good sleep.
What do you and your fuck buddy do?
Is it true that fuck buddies can only fuck and cannot be more than that?
I used to have this fuck buddy who told me he had 8-10 regulars. How can he manage all of them? what if afew of them called at the same time? Who would he go to?
Have a great week ahead guys and call/text your fuck buddies to ask how are they going =)
After sex

Some people like to have themselves all cleaned up and get rid of all the sweat and lubricant from their bodies right after sex. Some people just like to lie in bed and fall asleep cuddling their partner. Some people, like ME, like to have a smoke after sex and then jump into bed and just cuddle up. Some people just get back to what they are supposed to be doing: work!
What do u like to do right after sex?
My legs are feeling very much like jelly now. I just had sex and im now going to attend classes in school. It is bad. lol. Well sometimes sex is just a convenient way to relieve stress and get off. I dont think i will be having sex for afew days ;P I'd rather spend sometime with Mister right hand.