My weekend

Before we hooked up, we were talking online and he did not give me his number (some guys just love to be discreet, thats something i dont understand at all). Fine, he gave me clear directions to his place. i took 20 minutes walking around his neighbourhood before finding it. I dont think im that dumb. But i think im not going to bother travelling next time anymore.
Feeling kinda bored after sex, i was pondering what i was going to do that friday night. I called N (whom i blogged about previously) and asked what was he up to. He was going out to club and i was so tempted to go, although i knew i shouldnt because of my upcoming exams THIS coming week. But i went ahead since i knew i wouldnt have the mood to study either.
I met N's friends as well. It was all cool. As we were dancing, i caught someone looking at me... Yes he was this Frederik Ljungberg lookalike (refer to the pic above) He smiled and i smiled back. But i didnt wana appear desperate so i didnt want to keep looking at him. We continued to dance and chilled and the night went on well. I saw FL lookalike again and i sorta said hi since i knew he wont really make the 1st move. We chatted. Hes from Sweden and hes on holiday. I love it because he was smoking and drinking his beer. BLOKISH! Ah and he was asking whether N was my boyfriend cause i seemed to keep following him around. Later on we kissed and he asked where was i going tonight. He hinted to me that i could go to his hotel or my place. I told him i would think about it.
Later on, i went to dance with N. N met some of his other friends and one of his italian friends danced with him and they started kissing right in front of me. talk about showing respect to your friends. They should have just gone to the corner of the club. I continued dancing but i was kinda pissed because that italian guy just wont let N go and kept kissing him. It was fucking ridiculous.l
I just left. I admit that i was kinda jealous but it further proved to me that N was just a big player. I went to look for my FL lookalike and told him i was going off and asked if he wanted to come. He agreed. before i left the club, i walked to N and told him i was going off, and he kept hinting that i should stay on with him so i could go home with him etc. I was like nah im not interested. He kissed me before i went. nice kiss but i didnt feel anything anymore.
Me and Frederik (sorry for using his name, just let me indulge in my own fantasy) went home and we started making out and had sex (well not the full on thing cos we were both kinda wasted). We showered and slept. It was so nice to sleep naked with another guy covered in the warm blankets admist the cold windy weather. The best part was he was cuddling me all night.
The next morning, i felt him teasing my hole and my cock and he rimmed my ass so well and pounded me hard. After that, we laid in bed and continued our sleep. Thats what i really need. A good nights sleep and cuddle and sex.
We spent time together after that having lunch and walking around the city. As we said bye to each other, i felt sad and i could see from his eyes that he was kinda reluctant to let me go, but thats life. We kissed in the lift and later, we kissed at the tram stop before i got up the tram. I bet many people were shocked to see us kissing. It was sweet =)
N called the next day and apologised. I didnt care anymore. He can have fun with as many boys as he wants. Im over him.
Im jelous (*sigh*)
Sorry to hear your friend treated you like that, but the rest of the night was HOT!!! Hmmmmm
*Stop thinking naughty thoughts Shaney*
Shaney u are a really funny guy! And i bet you wont be jealous anymore after my next post =(
Waiting waiting waiting...*pokes tongue*
So glad I'm not waiting for CPR!...hehe
But you can practice on me if you like!
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