Sex with an AFL player?

Well believe it or not, i had sex with an AFL player. It wasnt hardcore sex but it wasnt fun either. I joined Squirt today, this website which i happened to find out from another site. I wasnt interested to set up an account to look for guys but i just wanted to look at the interesting message board and forums. But there were afew people which IM (instant messaged i supposed) me and one of them was this guy who claimed to be an AFL player.
He said hes really discreet and he plays for some team in AFL and he has a very good body and stuff like that. Of course i was skeptical. But eventually he convinced me. He said hes picky and only select certain people to meet. So he said he will come and pick me up and i agreed. He said he will sms me minutes before he reached and told me not to tell anyone his number.
I went into his car and he was not as HOT as i expected. Well i thought all AFL players were HOT like hell but he was alright. I remembered him telling me he had a hot body so i was kinda looking forward to undress him. On our way to the secluded area i kept asking him questions like "Oh so do you still play footy?" "So have you done it with girls and guys before?" "So whats your real name?"He told me some stuff and he even said if we meet for a second time he will bring me photos of himself and also he said he will bring me to a game and i will be treated like a king. For a second, i doubted him. Its too good to be true.
When we reached the secluded place, he kinda annoyed me. He kept asking me is it safe. He kept looking around and i assured him its fine. He said he dont want the police to catch him and the press will publish stuff about an AFL player being caught in a car having sex bla bla. And after i started touching him he calmed down for awhile. Well he had quite a nice cock but his body was average. NOthing as fantastic as he said. I sucked him, he sucked me. It was BORING.
He said he had never been fucked before and willing to try with me. So as i was about to fuck him after asking for a condom and some lube from him, he suddenly stopped me and said theres someone at some distance away at the trees. I was shocked of course but i tried to be calm. After 30 second, the person walked away. He was really quite far away and i know he didnt see us. But Mr AFL player was so scared it just irritated the shit outta me. And then as i was entering him halfway, he told me it was too sore. He let me try another time and he said it was too painful for him. Hmm dont these players take pain all the time? But he started stroking his cock and he said he was about to blow *anti-climax* and he faster grabbed some tissues and came. It was fast. And he faster went to put on his clothes and he kept saying, "im so scared of the police". Sucha wuss seriously. He drove me back later on and i did ask him something like, "Oh so how come your body's not so toned?" Actually he had the build of an AFL player but there were no six packs as i had imagined. He said the seasons over and after that they dont really care much about training until the next season. errm okay fine. Im like half sure hes one. But why would he lie? Maybe when guys know that you are an AFL player, they immediately say yes to having sex no matter how you look? Hmm...
I actually miss having good sex days. Im sure there are days when you have great sex and there are days when sex just seems so wrong. It might not be so much of the other person, but maybe the mood is just not there or maybe the circumstances or the excitement is not there. But I cant deny that having sex with someone you love is always the best. Sex with an AFL player, a hot rugby player, a hot pilot or a hot doctor could be great but thats just sex.
I do miss making love with someone i really do love. Yes i know i might sound ironic because i seem to like sex so much i always give people the impression im such a whore. But deep down inside i still miss that kinda feeling where after sex, you feel so good, you just cuddle the person to sleep till the next morning. or either that both have the after-sex talk and eventually fall asleep. Ive yet to find someone i love, i guess expectations are higher after every break-up or maybe that Mr Right just havent arrived yet. But for now, i shall enjoy sex whenever i can.
Have a great weekend dudes!
He sounds like a bisexual & a bad one at that...
AFL or any league for that matter requires an all year fitness regime...
Especially high profile! These guys get paid upwards of $200,000 to play major league & I doubt very much they are allowed to just turn to jello for 6 months of the year.
But not all footballers have a ripped physique like our Brodie Holland who SEX ON LEGS!
Hehe...sorry it wasn't as much fun as you were hoping..
cheers stud
P.s You need to blog more...I like your style...
Babes you won't find anyone to love if you keep publicising all your sexcapades on the web cause noone will have respect for you xx
I saved your intro speedo image on to the external hardrive, it's so good.
This stuff below is something you Australians may want to save.
I checked, and they learned about our great, harmless fun on that there Internet.
Surf to it below. Have a good laugh.
This link to another Blogger account, in the U.S., is a real mind blower.
A very F'ed up condominium building that possibly needs r---- b---- to help
Enjoy !
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