I wanna dance with somebody

It was such a wonderful evening. Went out with N for dinner, movie and an evening walk. Dinner was at the river side, it was sweet.
During the movie, we held hands. It made me fall deeper into that sweet lovey feeling. The evening walk was the best. The amazing night lights, the peaceful river and his company, it was just wonderful. We kissed and we did naughty stuff, well abit here and there.
But when i told him how much i wanted to date him, his reply made me upset. He said that he has told me many times that hes dating someone else and if what hes doing is leading me on, hes sorry. I know i should not hope for more. I do like him and he does like me, but theres another guy in the picture. But somehow i havent felt like the princess in the fairytale for a long time. Princesses in fairytales always get the prince. But not in my case. When can i ever learn to control my feelings. Ive always let my heart rule over my brain and that is definitely not a good thing. I always tend to put in some feelings even though its a fling. I just cant help it. Where is the "Paris Hilton" in me? I think i have not experienced such sweet feelings with a guy for a very long time. It has always been fuck, bang, sex-tisfaction and its all over.
Im sorry for whinging so much. I just need to focus on what ive been doing.
I seriously need to learn to be a player... so i wont get hurt so much but on the other hand, thats not my nature. I just hope i wont be too distracted. Arghz im talking too much.... =(
So when the night falls
My lonely heart calls
Oh! wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah! wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
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