A great weekend

I had a great weekend in Sydney =)
I met up with this guy ive been communicating with for weeks and finally, i got the chance to see him! It was great to finally spend the weekend together.. partying, chilling out, cuddling, making out, having great sex and getting to know each other better. For me, this trip represents many first times. My first time getting high and wasted in another way, my first time opening up to a stranger and trying out so many new stuff together and the first time after so many months getting emotional over a guy.
I cant deny the fact that i do like him. Hes sweet, nice, caring, adventurous, spontaneous and hot! And i think he feels the same way about me too. But why the fuck do we have to be in different states? I dont know what will come out if it... but i do want to keep in contact with him and i will definitely want to see him again. Some of u might think that its just a one night stand, but it definitely is not. I think we connected in many ways and i just felt there was something special going on.
I feel so trashed, tired and kinda depressed now. Well its all part of having a big weekend. But it was definitely worth it. As i was on the plane, i kept thinking of the times we spent together and i cant stop the tears from flowing (sounds emotional i know). I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.
Ive always thought of Sydney as a place of nothing but sex and party. Now, theres definitely a different dimension to it! No matter what happens next, i will definitely remember this wonderful weekend we shared and he'll always remain special to me... =)
Hehe, welcome to what you can have if you got yourself a money tree & dont mind travel...:P
Great to hear you both got on well & you had a good time Babe...WHo knows what the future holds for you!!!
That's great news! Sydney is not all about sex and partying!! there's the beach too! LOL
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